What should you read in August? Here Are 9 Books I Recommend.

I read so many good books releasing this month that it was very hard to pare down the list. But that’s a good thing. Gritty true crime, YA sports and fantasy, investigative journalism, smart literary fiction, steampunk alt-history, and a taut thriller.  Hopefully, you’ll find something that interests you. I’ve provided a short blurb, and you can click the title through to my full review. Feel free to comment below.

Releasing August 7th:


Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and The Drug Company That Addicted America by Beth Macy

A look at the opioid crisis from all sides. Macy explores the history of the drug, the politics of rehabilitation, and writes heart-wrenching profiles of the addicted. A master work by a veteran writer. This is my favorite nonfiction read of the year.


The Middleman by Olen Steinhauer

A modern-day thriller by one of the best in the genre. A left-wing domestic terrorist organization sets its eyes on dismantling the government. One FBI agent has studied these organizations for years and sees a way to hunt them down. There’s plenty of dives into current politics, twists in the plot, and double agents. No one ever knows who to trust!

Releasing August 14th:


The Kill Jar – Obsession, Descent, and A Hunt for Detroit’s Most Notorious Serial Killer. By J. Reuben Appelman

A dark, true crime thriller. This book is as much about the tortured-soul of the author as it is about Oakland County Child Killer.  This is an unsolved case entailing at least four murders in and around Detroit in the late 70s. Plagued by a series of bad breaks, Appelman sees his investigation into the crimes as a way to make things right in the world. A tough and at times, startling read.


The Fighters: Americans in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq by C.J. Chivers

An honest and raw picture of the lives of soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq since 9/11. Chivers includes some history on the conflicts, but mostly the book focuses on the missions and responsibilities of the individuals fighting the war. A tribute to all the men and women who serve. Highly recommended.

Releasing August 21st:


The Black God’s Drums by P. Djeli Clark

Steampunk alt-history Civil War-era New Orleans with a touch of magic. This novella includes an unforgettable main character and some fun action. A short, quick read that leaves you wanting more from Clark.


Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

Will be one of the best fantasy books to be released this year. The book opens with a thief stealing an object that might be worth a little more than she can handle. Sancia must find a way to keep the city’s powerful houses at bay while she figures out who is out to get her. A magic system unlike any I have ever read, and some very powerful characters make this a great start to the series.


Ohio by Stephen Markley

This is probably my favorite fiction book of 2018. I know that there are a couple months left, but it’s going to be hard to beat. A series of four vignettes follow a group of friends returning to their hometown in Ohio about ten years after their graduation from high school. This is a 21st-century novel that covers important ground. The opioid crisis, the war in Iraq, and the recession affect all the characters. Markley’s writing is something special.

Releasing August 28th:


Mirage by Somaiya Daud

The story of young woman stolen into servitude as a princess’s body double. Amani must enter the court and learn to be a perfect match of the haughty and vindictive Maram. Great world-building, full characters, and a little bit of romance. The author pulls on her Moroccan heritage to create a fully-rendered and believable mythos.


The Prodigy by John Feinstein

Veteran sports and YA author John Feinstein’s The Prodigy is a brisk walk on the inside of the ropes. 16-year-old Frank Baker is an amateur golfer who ready for the college ranks, but his pushy father and sponsorship “advisor” have set their sights on the pro ranks. Frank’s caddy and a newfound journalist friend try to keep Frank balanced through the US Amateur and The Masters tournaments. Feinstein provides excellent inside info and time-tested writing style that makes for a very good book.


4 thoughts on “What should you read in August? Here Are 9 Books I Recommend.

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  1. I’m impressed, it’s only August 1st and you’ve already read NINE August releases? I’m reading Foundryside right now and loving it! I’m so excited to keep reading:-)

    Liked by 1 person

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