Discussion Post: The Happy Ending Vs. The Unknown Beginning.

I put a poll up on twitter a couple weeks ago. Below are the results. Thank you to everyone who answered. I also got some very cool/ funny/ thoughtful comments. I thought I’d expand it into a post using some anecdotes from my reads of the past week.


Finishing a Good Book

I finished A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World last week. It is awesome. Period. No spoilers (Fletcher requests it before the start of his narrative.) But I had a great feeling after finishing that book. It includes an epic journey, a coming of age, and a voice that I won’t soon forget… full review scheduled for Thursday. But it was the epitome of “Finishing a Good Book.”

boy and his dog

Starting a New Book

I normally read my ARCs in order, and next up was Middlegame by Seanan McGuire. It hits on all the points on the anticipated read: a well-known author, a hyped new book, a genre I’ve been meaning to get into more (don’t know exactly how to categorize it, maybe contemporary urban fantasy?)… And from the moment I hit the first epigraph, I felt a good connection with the writing. Excellent turns of phrase and description of characters in the first couple chapters. I’m excited to keep reading!


What’s your take on this riveting controversy?!?!

28 thoughts on “Discussion Post: The Happy Ending Vs. The Unknown Beginning.

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      1. Cool! Frederick Law Olmstead is the god of landscape architecture. I studied him.. a lot.. in school. He fundamentally changed how people viewed cities and how people lived in them.

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  1. Ooo tough call! I like to start a new book, that’s a good feeling… though I dont know if it’s better than finishing a book you loved… so torn on this one!

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  2. It depends on the book I think. If it’s a good book, it’s bittersweet. I get book hangovers if it was a true 5 Star read. Last one I can think of was The Wolf in the Whale. (You just know the next book you read won’t live up to it.)

    If it’s a book I’ve been waiting on for a while or one I’m really excited for, then starting a new book is great too.

    If it’s a book I’m ambivalent about, I don’t have much feeling either way, but might feel differently by the 25-50% mark.

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  3. Finishing a good book is pretty awesome, but picking up a book and realizing after a few chapters that it is checking all the right boxes and/or is living up to your anticipation after spending months or years on your TBR, and you’ve still got 80% of the book left? That’s the real prize for me.

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  4. Ah that’s a tough one, it just depends on the book, I guess? It’s very rare for me to fall in love with a book in just a few pages (in 2018, I only read two books where after the first chapter, I knew I was going to absolutely love them : Unholy Land by Lavie Tidhar and American War by Omar El Akkad), so I think I prefer finishing a good book. Even if it’s sad so… I don’t know haha, very interesting question though!


  5. I’m def with finishing a good book. Nothing beats that feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction after a good read, as if I ate a great and satisfying meal.
    A story can start out good and take a turn for the worse later.

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