Anna by Sammy H.K. Smith

I gripped by Kindle. White knuckles... I felt anger. frustration, and pain for this character. I took a deep breath and put it down gently... Anna. After two years of being adrift in the Unland, she is abducted by a man named Will. In just the first few pages of the book, I knew this... Continue Reading →

The Conductors by Nicole Glover

Publisher Blurb: Hetty Rhodes and her husband, Benjy, were Conductors on the Underground Railroad, ferrying dozens of slaves to freedom with daring, cunning, and magic that draws its power from the constellations. With the war over, those skills find new purpose as they solve mysteries and murders that white authorities would otherwise ignore.  In the... Continue Reading →

Royal City by Jeff Lemire

A family of five, a beaten town, and the ghost they can’t forget. The father’s stroke brings the Pike family back together. The brother whose marriage is breaking apart while trying to write his third novel. The sister trying to convince the owner of the rundown factory to redevelop the land into a golf course... Continue Reading →

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